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Hey Bud, Why is your garden coverd with leaves? I get this question alot when people see my vegetable garden and when the Dude looks at my cabinet grow on Insragram.
The short answer is because this is what we used in the family garden growing up. My dad always mulched with leaves. But it turns out Dad was right even if he didn’t exactly know why.
The simple truth is. Every thing we are trying to accomplish by mulching. The deciduous forest trees have already figured out and perfected millions of years ago. Lay down an overlapping barrier of organic material that will smother out and prevent pest and weeds from taking root, check. Help buffer and retain proper soil moisture, check. Create a biome for beneficial bacteria , microbes and fungi to trive, check. Enrich the soil with organic nutrients and minerals as it naturally breaks down and decomposes, check.
We as gardeners think we are so smart when we figure out the obvious.
When our ansesters were huddle in a cave picking bugs out of each others hair. Mother Nature was already laying down the perfect mulch layer season after season to give her garden earth exacty what it needed when it needed it.
Oh yeah I Almost forgot. This perfect natural and organic mulch is totally FREE.